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Upgrade to VIP  and get Access to a Pre-Event Q&A with speakers, LIFETIME access to all recordings, PLUS 5 bonuses! (The Q&A alone is worth more than the VIP ticket itself...)

Wait! One Final Offer!

Wait! Upgrade and Save $400 Instantly

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***This VIP Invitation Is Not Available Anywhere Else***


  • Access to all recordings ($497 Value!)

  • Pre-Event LIVE Q&A with speakers ($997 Value!)

  • Buy & Hold deal calculator ($297 Value!)

  • STR deal calculator ($297 Value!)

  • BRRR deal calculator ($297 Value!)

  • Due diligence checklist ($297 Value!)

  • Exclusive Access To The VIP Only Facebook Group (Priceless!)

Total Value: $1,825

Normal Price: $497

TOTAL VALUE: $1,817.97




More Details Of What You Get...

VIP PERK #1: Access to all recordings

As a VIP, you'll have exclusive access to all of the recordings from during and after the event, so you won't miss a thing! This is your chance to get in on strategies and tips that are only shared with top-tier investors - so don't hesitate and don't miss out. With the VIP package, all those secrets and techniques will be yours for the taking.

($497 Value!)

VIP PERK #2: Pre-Event LIVE Q&A with speakers

At the Investor Agent Live Event bootcamp, VIP Ticket-holders will have a unique opportunity to engage with speakers in real-time. VIP Ticket Holders get invited to a pre-event LIVE Q&A, allowing them to have their questions answered quickly and directly. This is truly a one-of-a-kind chance to interact with some of the top investor agents in the field and to get hard facts on various topics related to the field.

($997 Value!)

VIP BONUS #1: Buy & Hold deal calculator

As a VIP at the Investor Agent Bootcamp Live event, you'll have access to tools and resources unavailable anywhere else. One such resource is the exclusive Buy & Hold Deal Calculator. The most experienced investors use this calculator every day because it helps them to analyze deals quickly, accurately and objectively.

Compare current and proforma rents: Side by side comparison of both so you can offer based on today's numbers.

Includes all expenses: Includes vacancy, utilities, HOA dues, Line of credit payment, property taxes, insurance, CapEx, maintenance, property management, renovations, and closing costs.

Key performance metrics: View the gross operating income, gross operating expenses, net operating income, debt coverage ratio, capitalization rate, cash flow, and total return on investment.

How to video: I will walk you through how to use the calculator so you can analyze deals with confidence.

By offering this tool as part of the VIP experience, we're providing agents the tools they need to make better decisions faster than ever before.

($297 Value!)

VIP BONUS #2: STR deal calculator

Compare Average Daily Rate or Monthly Rate: Some regions are seasonal and revenue fluctuates. The calculator allows you to compare both.

Includes all startup and ongoing expenses: Includes renovations, furnishing, utilities, guest experience, landscaping, cleaning fees, internet, management, private mortgage insurance, line of credit payments, insurance, taxes, host service fees, and more!

Key performance metrics: Change the icons in the settings​

How to video: I will walk you through how to use the calculator so you can analyze deals with confidence.

($297 Value!)

VIP BONUS #3: BRRR deal calculator

Come join us as a VIP at the Investor Agent Bootcamp Live Event and get our exclusive BRRR (Buy-Renovate-Rent-Refinance) Deal Calculator! This deal calculator is designed to help you analyze the full return of real estate investments with ease. The calculator will allow you to make more productive decisions when looking for investments, as well as give you greater insight into each potential investment. Furthermore, it will enable you to walk away from a deal if the return isn't worth your time and effort--helping you become an intelligent investor!

($297 Value!)

VIP BONUS #4: Due diligence checklist

Investing can be risky business, so it's essential to ensure that all the boxes are checked when taking on a project. Our checklist will provide you with invaluable tips, resources and strategies - helping you make smarter investments that can significantly maximize your profit.

Never miss a step: Includes a pre-offer checklist, contract timelines, financial due diligence, physical due diligence, financial due diligence, rent roll audit, and a pre-closing checklist.

Links to additional documents: I included links to additional documents you might need, such as; schedule of real estate owned, rent roll, personal financial statement, short-term rental revenue estimator, and more!

How to video: I walk you through how to use the due diligence checklist.

($297 Value!)


All VIP Ticket Holders are invited to an exclusive Facebook group for networking and meeting other Investor Agents from across the country.

Use this group to develop your referral network, learn the tactics and strategies for scaling your business in 2023, and more!
